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Since the 20th September 2020, the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) are now hosting a combined England & Wales and Northern Ireland EPC register on a .gov website.

This will make the access to, and use of EPCs much simpler.

What you need to know about the new EPC register

  • The new combined register makes things much easier, as you’ll be able to find all EPCs (Energy Performance Certificates), DECs (Display Energy Certificates), and ACIRs (Air Conditioning Inspections) all in the same place.
  • The new EPC register can be found here.
  • All EPCs, DECs, and ACIRs will also be changing, they’re no longer in PDF format but are hosted online instead.
  • There is also a bit of a change to the look and content of the certificates themselves
  • All previously lodged EPCs were migrated to the new register prior to launch

What are EPCs?

Valid for 10 years from when they’re issued, EPCs provide information on the energy efficiency of a building, and give it a rating from A to G, A being very efficient, and G being inefficient.

Their purpose is to give the person who will use the building information on how much it will cost to heat and light, as well as an estimate as to what its CO2 emissions are likely to be.

EPCs also include what the energy efficiency rating could be if the recommendations for improvements were carried out, as well as giving ways to achieve a better rating.

It’s now a requirement for all domestic and commercial buildings in the UK available for sale or to let, to have an EPC. But it can also be useful if you own your own home and aren’t thinking of selling to get an energy performance survey carried out, in order to highlight some ways to save money on your energy bills and keep nice and warm in the colder months.

Landlords, save money!

At Wills & Smerdon we care about our landlords, our tenants AND the environment. Therefore, it is essential that we advise our landlords on how to improve the energy efficiency of their properties and make them as ‘green’ as possible.

Energy Performance know-how for landlords - read more