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We take safety seriously


Gas is a huge danger to rented properties and must be taken seriously.  At Wills & Smerdon, we employ the services of the most trustworthy, competent, and qualified gas contractors to undertake our gas work, such as annual boiler checks and landlord safety records.  All engineers are registered with GAS SAFE and are legally allowed to work on the gas appliances in our rental homes.  Not only are they qualified, but they will have all of the relevant insurances to work in your property, and we will carry out checks to ensure they have been timely, polite, friendly and tidy.  We regularly check to ensure that our contractors are priced competitively so that you are getting the best value for money.

The legal bit


The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998

Gas safety is exceptionally important and you need to ensure that all gas appliances such as boilers and ovens are fully maintained and annually inspected for their safety and suitability. By law, a Landlord’s Gas Safety Certificate MUST be carried out by a Gas Safe Engineer annually or at a change of tenants. A copy of this certificate MUST be given to EVERY INDIVIDUAL TENANT and the Landlord must keep proof of receipt of this certificate. Records MUST be kept for a minimum of 6 years and, where possible, a copy should be put up in the property for all to see.

Penalties for non-compliance are: 6 months imprisonment and/or £5,000 fine.

Lettings legislation

Make sure you understand your landlord obligations

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